5 New England Dishes Everyone Should Know How to Make P

  Here’s a question: If you had to pick just five New England recipes to master, what would they be? Blueberry muffins? Indian pudding? Lobster rolls? Looking over the New England culinary canon, there’s certainly a lot of classics to choose from. Our regional...

Grilled Corn with Herbed Bacon Butter P

Grilled Corn with Herbed Bacon Butter     Fresh herbs and crisp bacon elevate buttered, grilled corn to delicious new heights in this easy summer recipe. Total Time: 30 minutes Hands-On Time: 25 minutes Yield: 10 servings Ingredients 1/2 cup (1 stick) salted...

6 Favorite Chowder Recipes P

6 Favorite Chowder Recipes Here in New England, it seems we can never have enough chowder recipes. From clam to corn to fish to lobster to…well, just about anything you can think of, we’ll toss it into a kettle and call it supper. Need some new chowder inspiration?...

Crispy Oven-Fried Scallops P

Crispy Oven-Fried Scallops These crispy oven-fried scallops are a lighter take on classic fried scallops, which involves baking them in a panko bread crumb topping. Don’t be alarmed by the full stick of butter in the ingredients list—you won’t use the entire thing....

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