Doing Business with You Should be as Easy as Ordering Pizza

Be as Easy as Ordering Pizza


Years ago when I ran an Oil and Gas well testing company we worked a lot of long days with frequent calls to Domino’s to feed my crews.  It was easy to grab your phone and order some pizza’s for my guys.  I would just pick up the phone and in less than thirty minutes, pizza’s were delivered.  Today I do the same thing. I pick up the phone and order a pizza, but I don’t actually have to… pick up the phone.


Today, Technology has Revolutionized Pizza Ordering


Technology has taken us to a new level of pizza ordering.  Picking up a phone to order a pizza is still an option, but it’s just one of many available.  You can order online or use an app on your smartphone or tablet.

You can even use a voice command and order with Amazon Alexa or Google Home.  After ordering your pizza, you can track the order.  You can follow your pizza being prepped, when it comes out of the oven and when it’s sent out for delivery.  Domino’s has made their customer experience easy and convenient.


Consumers are Empowered by the Amazing Convenience Revolution


If you’ve been following my writing, you understand how much convenience fascinates me.  In his book, The Convenience Revolution, Shep Hyken identified six “Principles of Convenience,” which include the following:

  1. Reducing friction
  2. Self service
  3. Technology
  4. Subscription
  5. Delivery
  6. Access

These six principles are key to providing the proactive user experience that your customers are demanding.


Technology Made Customer Convenience Central for Domino’s


With a subpar product, in 2008 Domino’s was struggling and seeking a way to turn their business around.  Domino’s recognized that their pizza wasn’t as good as it could be, and publicly stated that it needed to be improved.  They improved their pizza, however they also revolutionized their process and started building technology into their customer experience.

The Domino’s ANYWARE concept allows their customers to order their pizza with the toppings they desire.  It also allows customers to connect with their neighborhood Domino’s by more than ten ways, with more to come. They include:

Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Zero Clicks, Text, Twitter, Ford Sync, Smart TV, Voice and Smart Watch.  Of course, you can still order using the traditional “land-line” phone.

While some people still use their phone, a younger generation experienced these new apps as they were released and quickly embraced these alternative methods to order their pizza.  An even younger generation has never ordered a pizza with a phone, and they probably never will.


How Can You Reinvent Your Business?


The point is that even a pizza company recognized that they had to reinvent their processes to stay current.  They went beyond making a better pizza.  They realized they had to make it easier for their customers.

That’s what every company must do.  You should take a look at what Domino’s has done.  What are they doing that you can do in your business?  What can you do to be more convenient for your customers?


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