10 Online Ordering System Tips to Boost Online Orders

10 Online Ordering System Tips to Boost Online Orders

Online ordering is perfect for upselling customers.

Today’s restaurant customer wants what they want when they want it. It’s all about instant gratification.

Craving pizza? They want to be able to order it the minute they think about it.

Your customers believe that your restaurant should be available with an online ordering system when they want to use it.

Because of this era of immediate gratification, your restaurant is well poised to take advantage of what this offers. How? Through online ordering.

Let’s look at 10 online ordering system tips to boost online orders.

#1: Skip the Delivery Service

The first thing you can do to increase your online orders is to offer online ordering right on your own website.

By skipping the delivery service, you are avoiding the commission fees of up to 35% on each order.

When you put an online ordering system on your website, you get to keep more of your money because you don’t have to give part of your profit to the delivery service.

In addition, you keep your customers on your website where they aren’t tempted by other restaurants. They are completely focused on ordering from you, and they aren’t distracted by the competition on the delivery site.

#2: Streamline Your Online Menu

Another tip to consider is the overall customer experience on your website.

You want to make sure it’s easy to find your online menu as well as order from it.

Another thing to consider about your online menu is how good some of your items will taste once they’re delivered. Ask yourself if they travel well.

Be careful to not eliminate any best sellers from your online menu, though, or you’ll disappoint people.

You might also consider putting items together and offering them for a slight discount with your online ordering. For example, put together a family box that would feed a family of four and a few other boxes for other size groups.

#3: Integrate Your Online Menu

You can also boost your online orders by integrating your online menu with your point of sale system.

This helps you reduce costs by streamlining your ordering system. All of your online and in-restaurant orders are all in the same place, making it easier for you to fulfill all of the orders.

You’ll also find that by integrating your online menu, you have access to a myriad of data that helps you better plan your food ordering as well as your future marketing.

#4: Promote Your Online Ordering

You’ve got a great website and an intuitive ordering system, but you need customers.

This is where your marketing strategy comes in. Here are a few tips:

  • Put signage about your online ordering throughout your restaurant.
  • Send diners home with a coupon for online ordering.
  • Send email marketing to your list to promote online ordering.
  • Use Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads to promote your menu.

Finally, make sure your server tells their tables about online ordering, so it starts to spread by word of mouth.

#5: Use Instagram

Through Instagram posts and Instagram Stories, you can also boost your ordering.

Because Instagram is a visual platform, it’s a great place for your restaurant.

Start sharing beautiful photos of your food. You can even include customer photos as long as you get their permission. And don’t forget photos and videos to highlight your staff, your menu, and even your chef.

Consider a video with your chef talking about your dishes. Or you can showcase your restaurant with a virtual tour.

The key is to really let your restaurant shine on Instagram. Finally, don’t forget to send people to the link in your bio to your online ordering.

Online Ordering System

Offer online ordering customers a discount and encourage them to join your loyalty program.

#6: Use Incentives to Entice Customers

You also want to think about adding a digital loyalty program. You’ll find many options online – just choose the one that works best with your needs and your budget.

A digital loyalty program that ties in with your online ordering is a great way to encourage repeat visits and customer loyalty.

Once you have this in place, you want to share this everywhere you can: in your restaurant, on your website, in social media, through your website marketing, and your digital ads.

Create loyal, brand ambassadors, and you’ll also boost online orders.

#7: Employ Your Email Marketing

Email is not dead. When you use it to promote your online ordering, you will boost your sales. (tweet this)

Email is one of the best ways to communicate with your current customers. Decide how many times per month you’ll email them and stick with it.

Consider adding some sort of special for your customers to order online if you want to increase your sales.

#8: Create an App

Another way to boost online orders is by creating your own restaurant app.

By providing customers not only a website dedicated to ordering, but a dedicated app, you’ll see extra growth in your online sales.

Your customers enjoy using apps because they’re easy to order from. Plus, they live right on your diners’ phone, so they’re always reminded of you.

#9: Offer Online Ordering Thru Social Media

There are several different social media platforms where you can integrate your online ordering.

This is simply another channel and another avenue for increasing your sales.

#10: Speed Up Your Delivery Time

Finally, one last thing you can do to boost online orders is by speeding up your delivery time.

By doing this, you’ll encourage repeat customers. You’ll also have happy diners who leave good reviews and tell all their friends about how fast you delivered their meal. And they’ll tell them it was piping hot.

Service is integral to encouraging repeat business.

To Conclude

Online ordering is growing exponentially. What’s more, orders your customers place online are on average 20% larger than purchases they make for takeout over the telephone.

It’s easier to upsell customers online than in person because you can use visuals to help the process. (tweet this)

Plus, your customers enjoy ordering online because they aren’t rushed, and they can look through the entire menu as many times as they want, without pressure, before they order.

You’ll find that by employing a few of these tactics in your online ordering system, you’ll boost your online orders in a short amount of time.

At Restaurant Engine, not only do we create great, responsive websites, but you can count on us to create a website that drives business to your restaurant and edges you above the competition by using mobile-friendly design with a terrific user experience. Ready to take the plunge and create a website with an online menu, blog, and beautiful photos? Get your free website consultation today!

Images: Brooke Cagle and Mgg Vitchakorn on Unsplash


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